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Marine & Inland Marine

Why Choose AIG for Marine Insurance?

We can provide flexible, tailored marine solutions for importers, exporters, vessel owners/operators and inland marine, recreational marine and marine operations worldwide.

AIG Marine & Inland Marine Solutions

Comprehensive all risk coverage for goods in transit for manufacturers, importers and exporters, commodity traders, logistics companies and more.

Those companies servicing and supporting the maritime industry which facilitate the safe transport, logistics, handling and storage of goods are vital to the success of a marine-related operation.

We understand marine is a global business and provide the specialized primary and excess liability coverages marine-related operations need to move forward with confidence. We combine our local expertise and knowledge with the quality and responsiveness of our international network, to ensure the best possible protection for our clients’ assets and their business reputation.

Features & Benefits

  • Claims and underwriting collaboration as embedded culture for a thorough understanding of customers’ needs
  • Large geographic footprint benefiting companies doing business in multiple jurisdictions - global coverage with local policies where needed for multinational risks
  • More than 90 years of experience and commitment to the industry offering stable, high-limit capacity with a diverse appetite for risk
  • Marine Loss Control Engineering (MLCE) group staffed with experienced loss control professionals across the globe
  • Recovery and risk management services provided by marine specialists throughout the world


  • Stevedore’s Liability: for a client’s liability as a stevedore for third-party property damage and bodily injury arising out of vessel loading and unloading operations
  • Wharfinger’s Liability: for a client's liability as a wharf owner for third-party property damage and bodily injury arising out of the care and custody of vessels
  • Terminal Operator’s Liability: combines Stevedore’s Liability and Wharfinger’s Liability with other coverages, depending on the nature and scope of a client’s activities
  • Marine General Liability: protects marine industry artisans and contractors for third-party bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising industry and contractual liability arising out of their operations
  • Ship Repairer’s Liability: for a client’s liability for vessels and other third-party exposures (including bodily injury) arising out of repair operations
  • Charterer’s Liability: for a client’s liabilities assumed under a charter party; primarily hull damage and protection and indemnity (P&I) risks
  • Excess Marine Liabilities: for a client’s capacity needs in excess of any of the above coverages and/or excess P&I, collision liability and tower’s Liability
  • Bumbershoot: marine umbrella policy providing coverage in excess of marine and incidental non-marine primary policies, with a self-insured retention feature for uninsured marine perils

Inland marine insurance addresses the needs of many.

Whether it is an excavation contractor, a property developer, a trucker or a specialty operation, coverage can be essential to protecting business property in an ever-changing market.

Our inland marine team provides comprehensive coverage offerings, seasoned underwriting knowledge and market-leading claims services to complement the needs of our customers.

Features & Benefits

  • Comprehensive coverage for a wide variety of risks including trucking and logistics, contractor’s tools and equipment, installation and builder’s risks (general contractors, artesian contractors, building owners and real estate developers, municipalities, fabricators), property (office buildings, repair bays and facilities, warehouses and terminals, ancillary property, including tool sheds, etc.), mobile electronic devices and miscellaneous articles (rolling stock, mobile electronic equipment, scheduled articles, mobile medical equipment)
  • Flexible programs, tailored to our clients’ needs
  • Our own in-house claims and loss control engineers who have been addressing inland marine risks for years and can provide aid in the form of loss prevention techniques and loss mitigation for our customers