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Why Choose AIG for PortfolioSelect?

PortfolioSelect is a management liability insurance module for public, private and not-for-profit entities. It helps provide peace of mind for companies that seek opportunities for growth, research, investment, thought leadership, and innovation.

Why does your business need PortfolioSelect?

PortfolioSelect is a management liability insurance solution for all types of companies. Whether it is a public or private company, a non-profit or a financial institution, companies are assured that they are receiving AIG’s creative, versatile, and state-of-the-art coverage – regardless of how they choose to customize their policy.

The AIG Advantage

AIG PortfolioSelect Cover Solutions

The following management liability insurance products can be included in PortfolioSelect:

Executive Edge® – Public directors and officers liability insurance offering extended coverage  for investigations of individual insureds, global liberalization provisions, and personal reputation protection.

Directors and Officers Liability for Private Companies – Offering investigative cost coverage for derivative demands, extended coverage for investigations of individual insureds, roadshow coverage, and more.

CyberEdge® – Security and privacy liability, event management, network business interruption, cyber media, and cyber extortion coverages provide an additional layer of defence to a company’s IT department and the support needed when confronted with a sensitive data breach.

CrimeGuard Choice® – Crime liability protection for companies against the dishonest acts of their employees as well as forgery, safe burglary, and computer fraud on a global basis.

Employment Edge® – Employment practices liability coverage that addresses the wide range of employment practices exposures that companies face, including those arising from wrongful termination and discrimination, workplace bullying and employee use of the internet and social media.

Fiduciary Liability Insurance Edge® – Fiduciary liability coverage for directors, officers, employees, and employers who are alleged to have breached their fiduciary duty or made mistakes in the management or administration of employee retirement and benefit plans.

Kidnap and Ransom Liability – Coverage to protect business travellers and their families against the crisis events of kidnap for ransom, extortion, threat, or disappearance that can occur both in Canada and abroad while travelling or residing away from home.

Corporate Counsel Premier – Protects the personal assets of corporate lawyers, as well as their employer’s balance sheet, in claims alleging professional malpractice. The policy protects not only past, present, and future corporate counsel, but also legal staff and contract lawyers.

Bankers Professional Edge® – Professional liability coverage to protect banking and non-bank lending institutions against claims of actual or alleged negligent acts, errors or omissions in the rendering of or failure to render professional services to third parties.

Insurance Company Professional Edge® – Professional liability coverage to protect insurance companies (and any insurance company subsidiary thereof), and their past or present directors, officers and employees for claims alleging failure to render professional services or negligence in rendering those services.