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Mergers & Acquisitions Insurance

Snapshot of R&W claims activity provides insights into significant small deal trends and regional differences.

Why Choose AIG for Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Insurance?

Uncertainty can unravel even the most promising deal.

Backed by our market longevity, claims experience, and global expertise in insurance, law, tax, and regulations, AIG can provide broad solutions to respond to your deal’s unique risks. We’ll help you address risks of financial loss arising from inaccurate representations to known tax and contingent liabilities – to help your transaction go through with confidence.

The AIG Advantage

AIG's Mergers & Acquisitions Insurance Solutions

Tailored coverage helps protect buyers and sellers from financial loss if misrepresentations or inaccuracies in representations or warranties occur. Buyers can distinguish bids, sellers can reduce indemnity obligations – both can close more efficiently. 

Helps reduce or eliminate financial loss arising from a tax authority’s successful challenge of your tax treatment during the transaction.

Helps reduce or eliminate risk exposure related to the business of the seller or buyer arising out of a merger and acquisition, thereby helping enable deals to close more quickly, and sales proceeds to avoid impairment.

AIG has the unique knowledge and experience to create customized insurance solutions tailored to the businesses involved in the transactions. Whether on the buy or sell side, our team will work with deal teams to help understand, measure, and mitigate transactional risks faced by our clients, helping to reduce uncertainty and to close a deal quickly.

Learn more.

Interested in Mergers & Acquisitions Insurance? Contact us today.